As part of the series RML3 Undercurrents and Folds, an edition of artist publications for Reading the Migration Library, I am thrilled to launch a new artist book!
This book / zine is inspired by a traditional Trinidadian / Caribbean folk tale featuring Mama D’lo, a mermaid with many powers. This book revisits and reimagines that story, introducing a cat who is thrown into a pond in Newfoundland, and rescued, or transformed, by Mama D’Lo, into a mermaid herself. The main “story” is a watercolour painting of Mama D’lo and Missy G, inside an accordian book—the characters touch each other through seaweed, rum bottles and detritus. A smaller accordian book “The Bluest Claw“, is a handwritten story telling how Missy G learns about the other mermaids and Mama D’lo’s list.
I call it a form of remediation of stories I heard as a child, some terrible, some fantastic, some true, some not.
RML3 Undercurrents and Folds includes publications by six other artists: Leah Decter, Peter Morin, Sarah Shamash, Candie Tanaka, Tania Willard, Clare Yow, and myself. I am delighted to have been working with these artists, as well as with artist/scholar Lois Klassen as a co-host for this project.
Reading the Migration Library is a long-running artist project that has produced events and publications in the theme of migration and displacement. Learn more about the project, the artists, and the books on the RML site.
I will give an artists talk at CentreA on Friday September 27th, 2024 at 5pm with Candie Tanaka, Clare Yow and Lois Klassen.
The entire project will officially launch at Word Vancouver on September 28th, 2024 at UBC Robson Square. Details below.


Thursday, October 3 2024 (6:30-8:30pm)
RML3: Undercurrents and Folds Artist TALK AT COMOX VALLEY ART GALLERY, BC
The Comox Valley Art Gallery (CVAG) will be hosting a reading on Thursday, October 3rd, with artists Lois Klassen and Deanne Achong. The artists are conducting creative research and development during an artist-in-residency at the McLoughin Gardens.
Lois and Deanne will read from RML3: Undercurrents and Folds publications and discuss the process of making artist books and zines on the topic of migration. Bring your own zines or artists publications to exchange for RML3 titles
Friday, September 27 2024 (5pm)
Artist talk and zine exchange
Centre A – #205-268 Keefer Street, Vancouver
Publications will be available for exchange (bring your own artist book or zine to exchange – one per person) and by donation.
Featuring Deanne Achong (Mama D’Lo and Missy G Under the Sea), Candie Tanaka (Hanafuda 花札 [Flower Cards]), and Clare Yow (ac·cu·mu·la·tions).
Hosted by Lois Klassen & Deanne Achong

Saturday, September 28 2024 (1:15 – 2:15pm)
RML3: Undercurrents and Folds Official Launch
Word Vancouver Festival, UBC Robson Square, Vancouver
Registration required – Visit Festival Website
- Artist talk and Q&A with all artists involved in RML3: Undercurrents and Folds – Deanne Achong, Leah Decter, Lois Klassen, Peter Morin, Candie Tanaka, Sarah Shamash, Tania Willard, and Clare Yow.
There will also be a display table on Saturday, September 28 2024 (11am – 4:30pm), no registration required.
Previous post: Announcing RML3 Undercurrents and Folds