June 2021
Heya. You’ve likely found this page through the Derek Sivers link.
Haven’t updated this page or this site in eons. Why not? Some super fun stuff, some really crappy stuff, some in-between stuff. I’m more or less staying off the socials and hoping to be as creative and productive as possible, while still treading water, and wanting to be bored and do nothing and claim my introversion as a strength not a weakness.
“I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations, neither are you here to live up to mine.” Peter Tosh
Art Projects
Drawing has become a daily habit, and now a deeply integrated part of my practice. I wrote a blog post about the pleasure of drawing and plan to write more. I am recklessly embarking upon #the100dayproject again in 2019 and this time #100DaysofPossibleOutcomes and #100DaysofHapticGestures. (Follow me on IG)
Insta Dreams
To celebrate Art’s Birthday* on January 17th, 2019 , I did a participatory event on Instagram. I asked contributors to relect upon the Robert Filliou / Georges Brecht text that begins “THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE ASLEEP, AND SOMEONE AWAKE” (full text re-printed below) and send me their responses to that text. See post
Dare to Draw: an e-course!
Launched a an e-course on drawing! So stoked. A 4 week online course for beginners inviting you to put down your phone and pick up your pen. And I do practice what I preach.
A “beginner’s mind” approach to reconnect your hand to the material world. In other words, put the phone down, pick up a pencil and start doodling.
I launched this in the last NOW update. But as it’s still a work in progress, and I haven’t done any marketing: ) I ‘m leaving this item here. Launched a shop to sell some prints. (Internal academic critical voice be damned). This took a surprisingly long amount of time to do. A mix of resistance and hesitation and just slogging through scanning et al. Plus all the e-com deets. They are limited edition prints on archival watercolour paper.
Swimming. Twice a week at UBC. Yahoo. Also Squats. Even with a dodgy knee, I highly recommend. (Sumo version easier on knees)
Boo hoo. I slipped and fell while dashing for the skytrain and really did a number on my knee. Recovering. Up to 6,500 steps a day now and wondering if the Universe is sending me a message to SLOW the ….. down.
Lots of mystery novels. My first love. This never changes.
Highlights — so far — of more ‘serious’ fiction / lit:
- Felt – Fluxus, Joseph Beuys, and the Dalai Lama by Chris Thompson
Initially purchased this book in New York, seduced by the title, and then it sat on my shelf for 5 (?) years. Cracked it open while in a decluttering spree and discovered I should read The Brothers Karamazov, also gathering dust on said shelf. - Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, published in 1937
Still making kombucha. Had my first batch grow mold. Aaack.
Next phase: dry out scobies and turn into a sea monster. Have embarked on said project! Details to follow.
SO.. Turns out NOW goes by really fast. It’s now April 17th, 2019 and I’ve updated my NOW and wanted to archive this one, as it was the first, and you never forget your first.
I just completed #The100DayProject with #100DaysofImperfection and #100DaysofEnsos * . I started it on more or less of a lark, without a clear sense of the outcome. The unexpected side effect is that I prioritized drawing every morning. Every day I woke up and drew my hand holding my phone / apps before turning the beast on (other than to draw the app), and being seduced by its numerous offerings.
My previous habit was that almost as soon as the alarm would go off (on phone sitting on my bedside table ) I would turn it on and check. Check. check. Check. Emails, the socials, you name it. Provoking a feeling a anxiety.
I’m happy to report that I’ve broken that habit and kept up with the new one of drawing. Which is a lot more energizing. And fun. (Follow me on IG)
[* Borrowing from a Japanese buddist monk tradition (of which I am neither, although I am part-Chinese), you draw a circle with ink on paper, in one breath in, and one breath out. I’ve expanded this to include multiple breaths in and out speculating on the existence of parallel universes]
Baking A Cake
This summer, participated in a radio-art happening. Read more about this #socialpractice #networked #radioart #/// event here.
Thrive Art Studio Mastermind
Joined this group of women artists last year, it’s now my 2nd year. It’s not quite what I expected, and I’m not entirely sure it’s totally the right space for my practice — but the women are fabulous, it’s engaging and keeping me on my toes!
Launched a shop to sell some prints. (Internal academic critical voice be damned). This took a surprisingly long amount of time to do. A mix of resistance and hesitation and just slogging through scanning et al. Plus all the e-com deets. I’ve got 7 prints up for sale. They are limited edition prints on archival watercolour paper. They start at $35 each for an 8.5″ x 11″ giclée print. If you’re reading this page, enter the code ThereIsOnlyNow and get 11% off.
Swimming. Twice a week at UBC. Yahoo. Also Squats. Even with a dodgy knee, I highly recommend. (Sumo version easier on knees)
Lots of mystery novels. My first love.
Highlights — so far — of more ‘serious’ fiction / lit:
- Rivkah Galchen – American Innovations
- Re-reading: Walter Benjamin – Illuminations
- Looks like I’ll have to hunt down a title with the letter “I” — open to suggestions.
Been making my own kombucha for almost a year now. 3 scoby hotels later, I’m really enjoying experimenting with flavours. Latest brew: Cherry and Ginger.
Next phase: dry out scobies and turn into a sea monster.
Last update: July 30, 2018
NOW – Inspired by Derek Sivers